One thing I learned from my Dad who was a Rotarian…Service Above Self (Rotarian Motto).
In no particular order:
*Walk, America Walker for the March of Dimes. Award Winning Fundraiser to fight birth defects for 27 years.
*Bloomfield Hills Andover High School Class of 1971 Reunion Coordinator of eight class reunions, class webmaster, Facebook administrator.
*Hickory Grove PTO: 40th Birthday Party Chair, Playground Structure Committee Chair, Book Fair Chair, Fall Fundraiser Chair, BK Night Chair, Skate Party Chair, and Gym Sound System Chair.
*Cub Scouts Cubmaster and Assistant Den Leader. Provided sound system for pack meetings and Pinewood Derby.
*Boy Scouts Assistant Scoutmaster. Adult chaperone on two backpacking field trips, one in the Upper Peninsula and one in Canada.
*Presbyterian Church Milford MI: Usher, Youth Group Adviser, Youth Group Trip Chaperone to New Jersey/New York City.
*Habitat for Humanity project. Was chaperone with Lahser Football Coach Bob Kefgen as we took about 20 Lahser football players to Traverse City to complete a Habitat for Humanity project.
*Colonial Hills Subdivision Association: Board member, treasurer, secretary, Block Party Chair, Garage Sale Chair.
*Youth Soccer Coach (‘96, ‘97, ‘98, ‘99), Youth Soccer League treasurer and referee.
*East Hills Middle School 7th/8th Grade Soccer Coach.
*Deer Run Subdivision: Board Member (treasurer) and Block Party Host (2010-11, 2016).
1st marathon broadcast for the March of Dimes held in 1977…broadcast went 77 hours straight and I was the only manager…I literally had to be there all 77 hours…crazy!
Biffers who walked in March of Dimes WalkAmerica sponsored by listeners who pledged during our marathon broadcast to fight birth defects (1982).
With my wifey on one of the 27 March of Dimes WalkAmerica walks I participated in to raise money to prevent birth defects.
Adam showing off his Cub Scout awards. I served as Cubmaster when Eric was in Cub Scouts.
With Adam at Boy Scout meeting. I served as Assistant Scoutmaster and went on two backpack trips with the troop.
Apple paper weight given to me by the school district for 30 years of service.
Volunteered to be chaperone on a Habitat for Humanity project in Traverse City with Lahser Football Coach Bob Kefgen and these Lahser football players. Part of the project was demolishing parts of this house so they could rebuild a garage on it. The boys had a great time with the demo!