
In August, 2023, former student Scott Meach interviewed me on StoryCorps about my 41 year career as Teacher/Manager of WBFH, The Biff. WBFH history buffs will love this 41 minute blast from the past interview which is saved in the Library of Congress. Link:


Happy Birthday in Quarantine: April 7, 2020.

Michigan Association of Broadcasters Awards Ceremony at the Grand Hotel on Mackinaw Island August 14, 2018. Bill Keith introduces Pete Bowers who gives his acceptance speech.

Receiving the Distinguished Service Award from the Bloomfield Hills Schools Board of Education.


What kind of house did you grow up in, and what was the old neighborhood like?

When you were a kid, what was your favorite holiday, and how did you family celebrate it?

Which were your favorite pets, and what made them special?

What’s your favorite memory of your Dad? Your Mom?

What’s the best thing your Dad and/or your Mom taught you?

What rules did your parents have, and which ones drove you crazy?

What are one or two things you did that you didn’t tell your parents about?

What was your relationship like with your family when you were growing up?

What traits do you have that your parents also had?

When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? When you were a teenager? When you were a young adult?

Who were your best friends from childhood and what were they like?

What music did you grow up listening to?

What were your favorite subjects in school and why?

Who was your favorite teacher and why?

Did you play a sport and what did you like best about it?

Who taught you to drive and what was your first car?

Did you ever win an award you were proud of and what was it in honor of?

What was the worst trouble you got into when you were younger?

What were your first few jobs? What did you do and do you remember how much you earned?

What was your toughest lesson in life?

What is the best advice you ever received and from whom?

How did you meet Claudia? The entire story of how we met can be found on Episode 44.

How did you spend your free time before you had kids?

What do you remember about the birth of your children?

What was it like to become a father?

What are some of your favorite memories of being a Dad?

What are some of your favorite things you’ve done with your children?

What’s the best thing about being a father? What’s the hardest thing?

What advice would you pass along about being a Dad?

What’s the craziest or most impulsive thing you’ve ever done?

What were your elementary school years like?

What were your Jr. High years like?

What were your high school years like?

What were your years at Central Michigan University like?

What was it like getting a Masters Degree from Madonna University?

Looking back, what ate some of your proudest moments in life?

Who are the people that you most admire and why?

What’s your favorite motto, quotation or saying?

Where is the most interesting place you ever visited and why?

What are some ways-good and bad-the world has changed since you were a kid?

What is your perfect day?

What are some other things that are memorable in your lifetime?

How do you want future generations of your family to remember you?

How did you meet Claudia, the entire story?