Featured Speaker on High School Radio
Conventions where I was a featured speaker on a panel:
Broadcasting Career Builder Conference in Lansing, October 29, 2010. Moderator for session entitled Perfecting Your Resume.
Great Lakes Broadcasting Conference in Grand Rapids, March 2009. Moderator for Round Table Discussion on issues facing educational broadcasters in the state.
Intercollegiate Broadcasting System (IBS) Fall Conference in Chicago: October, 2004, November, 2006, October, 2008, and October 2012. Sessions entitled “High School Radio” and “How to Start a Radio Station”.
IBS National Convention in New York City: March, 2005: Sessions entitled “High School Radio” and “School Radio—Student and Faculty Management”.
Broadcast Education Association (BEA) National Convention in Las Vegas: April, 2007. Panelist for Educational Radio Seminar.
College Broadcasters Inc.: Featured speaker in two sessions (High School Radio Roundtable) at national conventions held in Orlando, October 2011, Atlanta 2012, San Antonio 2013 and Seattle 2014.
Clark County School District, Las Vegas, NV (fifth largest school district in United States): Hired as consultant in March, 2008 to help get Desert Pines High School radio station broadcasting. Worked with teachers regarding broadcasting curriculum. Worked with students who were enrolled in broadcasting classes.
Featured speaker on panel at IBS Regional Conference at Columbia College in Chicago.
With founder of College Radio Day, Dr. Rob Quicke.