Hickory Grove Elementary School
The Hickory Grove Elementary Years 1958-1965 (K-6)
4th and 6th Grade President
Softball League Champion, World Series Softball Champion
School High Jump Champion, 5th Grade and 6th Grade
Safety Patrol Captain
School P.A. Announcer
Kindergarten: Mrs. Panks (who played piano in class…very fun!) 1st Grade: Mrs. Snyder; 2nd Grade Mrs. Morrett; 3rd Grade Mrs. Lendt; 4th Grade Miss Fetrow; 5th Grade Mrs. Boettger; 6th Grade Mrs. Cole. We had 37, yes 37 students in Mrs. Cole’s 6th Grade class. You couldn’t even walk around the class, we were like sardines! I remember her saying “If I get one more student, I’m outta here”. About an hour later, the principal brought in a new student into our classroom. I remember saying, “Mrs. Cole…are you leaving now?”
Those seven years at Hickory Grove Elementary School…Those were the best days of my life (line from Summer of ‘69 by Bryan Adams)